Colorful Yorkshire Terrier
- Become attached to their families, but most maintain some measure of independence. The Colorful Yorkshire Terrier is lively, bold, and intelligent. It has a childlike, playful personality that holds true to the terrier breed. It barks when it senses danger.
The Colorful Yorkshire Terrier is tolerant of all children provided they respect their personal space. Due to its small size and bold temperament the Colorful Yorkshire Terrier is not recommended for young children unless carefully supervised. The Colorful Yorkshire Terrier can occasionally be a bit too brave when dealing with larger dogs, but gets along fine with cats and other household pets. Colorful Yorkshire Terrier prefer life indoors.
Standard of the Colorful Yorkshire Terrier
General Appearance - The Colorful Yorkshire Terrier is an elegant, long haired, uniquely colored toy terrier with a breed signature ponytail. The coat parts down the middle, hanging straight and evenly on both sides of the body as though a comb has been used to part it. The back is level, with height at withers being equal to height at the croup. Although the outline of the dog gives the appearance of a square, the body length is slightly longer than the overall height. The tail is set high and carried well arched over the body, covered with a long luxurious plume. The Colorful Yorkshire Terrier has a lighthearted whimsical, childlike attitude. Although mischievous at times, they are obedient and make a loyal companion.
Size, Proportion, Substance
Size - Height at the withers is the same as the height at the croup, measuring 7 to 11 inches, with weight being 4 to 9 pounds. Substance - Body is fine to medium boned with a level top line. Serious fault - Over 10 pounds
Head – Expression - Is more human than that of a dog, being bright and intelligent. Eyes - Are medium sized and may be round or almond shaped with a crisp, clear countenance. Ears - Are small, upright, V shaped, moderately wide set and covered with hair except the tips being shaved. They are set to the back of the skull and the base is level with the eyes. Bite - Level or scissor bite. Teeth - Straight and even. Serious fault - ears not standing erect. Under bite is and crooked teeth.
Neck, Top line and Body – Neck - Moderate in length. Top line - Level. Body - length is slightly longer than the overall height although square is acceptable. Chest - Comes to the elbows with a good width. Ribs- Moderately sprung. Underline - Slightly tucked up. Loin - Well developed and strong. Tail - Set high when in movement carried well arched over the body in a graceful sickle curve. Length of tailbone must go to the stifles or longer. When reposed, the tail may be relaxed. A kink in the tail is not to be faulted. Serious faults - Roach or rounded back; high in the front or rear.
Forequarters - Forelegs and elbows should be straight. Angulation - Moderate. Shoulders are nicely laid back to allow for good reach and freedom of movement. Legs - Straight when viewed from the front are muscular and covered with hair. Pasterns - Up and straight. Dewclaws - May be removed but not required. Feet - Round. Toes - Well arched covered with hair which may be trimmed so as not to impede movement or trimmed to show the shape of the foot not required.
The Colorful Yorkshire Terrier is a uniquely colored toy terrier. Head Coloring - All colors will be accepted that are listed on the Color page!
The Colorful Yorkshire Terrier moves with confidence and pride. Movement should be graceful, smooth and straightforward. When viewed from the side the top line remains level. Hind legs should track in line with the front legs, going neither inside nor outside. Tail must be up when in movement.
Eliminating Faults - Under Standard or Over in pounds; ears not standing erect; Roach or rounded back; high in front or rear:
Under bites and crooked teeth: tail set must set on croup. No exception we will not tolerate Merle to Merle crosses. Merle Origins.
GBYR will not register any Colorful Yorkie and Russian Salon Dog crosses. We are a purebred registry only. Colorful Yorkies and Russian Salon Dog are two different breeds.
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